Analysis and Insights

About the solution

In the pharmaceutical laboratories’ reality, some specific challenges, if overcome, can greatly boost the organization’s performance by increasing its competitiveness. Knowing that, we, from Tabmedia, created a module to support you in overcoming two challenges: training and medical promotion.

With Analysis and Insights solution, it is possible to create and strengthen strategies aimed at the development of professionals, the relationship with the physician and the promotional impact.

When it comes to training, for example, even though it is very well planned, there is always a certain subjectivity involved. Therefore, many believe that it is difficult to measure its effectiveness. And you? What tools do you use? Do they allow you to identify the influence of your training on the promotional impact quality? The uncertainties are many and are not exclusive to this area.

In medical promotion, we have a series of variables involved that can define the success of the representative and the increase of the sales figure. Which one are they? How can they be managed and optimized to ensure positive promotional impacts?

And it’s with the Analysis and Insights module that we aim to help you answering these and many other questions. We capture all data generated from the advertisement exposure and return them to the laboratories in detailed analysis format to our clients.

To deliver all this, as an expert on the subject, Tab processes more than 7 million monthly interactions of its customers’ sales force, especially in the mobile learning and promotional impact areas.

With this universe of data at your fingertips, it is possible to do complete analyses and evaluations, as well as have insights for new strategies. Much more intelligence to your business!

As well said by the guru Peter Drucker: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”

So, ensure the access to data with the right solution. Thereby, you gain more security when planning the performance of the laboratory’s sales team.

Check out some analyses generated automatically by the Tabmedia platform:

See How It Works

Advertising Quality Quadrant

Advertising Quality Quadrant

If you want to account for the quality impacts the representative has earned, with the content exposure time, this is the perfect tool. After all, it only considers the real impacts, that is, with more than 2 seconds of exposure. So, it has an accurate metric and makes an accurate reference to the performance quadrant your sales force is in.

Performance Index

Performance Index

If you consider the complete content collection, can you identify which of them are actually used? With the Performance Index, you can. In this way, it is possible to use the Performance Index to understand the logic of content appropriation and to plan the construction of more effective materials, which give real support to the representative during the sales journey.

Knowledge trail consumption

Knowledge trail consumption

When covered, they provide the content base your team needs. After all, they can simplify retention of subjects and make learning a continuous process. However, it is vital that they are suitable for the sales force. With knowledge trail consumption, it is easier to understand if the proposed trails have been effective for assimilation of content theory and practice. Depending on the outcome, it is necessary to change the course order in the trails, to provide the progressive deepening of the subjects. That is, all the easiness for your sales team to be really prepared.

Performance Evaluation Visions

Performance Evaluation Visions

To maximize the sales journey and ensure good results, tracking team performance is essential. As this analysis is generated automatically by the platform, the manager can evaluate if the goals of the feedback were fulfilled by the professionals, considering the predefined evaluation criteria. There are several perspectives of performance analysis: the professional and his past evaluation history; the team evolution; the comparison of your team with that of other managers, as well as with the laboratory average. Several parameters for a more strategic and assertive people management.

Conteúdos Exclusivos

The platform is 100% customizable

and can be tailored according to specific investment needs and sizes in the SaaS format.

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