About us

From beginning to end, Tabmedia solutions enhance our customers’ sales journey.

With the platform, it’s possible to follow up on medical detailing all through it’s development, creation and  approval, as well as the strategy application, the promotional impact, and finally, the measuring of results. In addition to the platform, our experts closely follow customers’ activities, guiding them in the most strategically possible manner. And in order to simplify sales operations, we share promotional and training content offline with zero interference. In other words, the best content available anywhere, at anytime. Finally, we send customers all the data captured in analytical format, which reveals standards and trends. Therefore, laboratories are able to adapt and improve their strategies, representatives close more sales and performance takes a leap. All this structure to empower the sales journey is offered by Tab in a mobile flexible and intuitive application, which simplifies and streamlines the sales teams’ routine. Our tool is so powerful that it is successful throughout Brazil. There are over 17,000 users in eight countries, located throughout Latin America and Europe. The platform can be tailor-made for your organization. That’s because it’s 100% customizable and has the potential to integrate to other solutions as well. With Tab and the use of features and functionalities, the quality of the promotional impact and the relationship with the physicians improve, sales increase and, as a consequence, the results become much more positive.



Come with us! Let’s grow together and in sync!

  All because the platform’s goal was to generate precious data, with high strategic value, which would enable assertive and efficient assessment and feed back on the marketing strategies. Investing in the tool was already synonymous to success. However, one question remained: how to manage this new data universe? The answer was one: with Tabmedia platform; The search for the platform and adhesion of new customers gained a continuous growing pace. So shortly, Tabmedia left Brazil to conquer the world, and it is currently present throughout Latin America, Central America, Russia and even in Kazakhstan. For us, borders are invisible. Therefore, believe it: Tabmedia can be by your side as a partner, regardless of where your laboratory is located.


The platform is 100% customizable

and can be tailored according to specific investment needs and sizes in the SaaS format.


Uma empresa do grupo Close-Up internacional
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